Visit to Mongolia Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (A/HRC/54/51/Add.2) [EN/AR/RU/ZU]



The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention visited Mongolia from 3 to 14 October
2022 at the invitation of the Government. The Working Group identified positive
developments, including the 2020 revision of the Law on the National Human Rights
Commission of Mongolia and the corresponding advancement of the mandate of the
Commission; the designation of the national preventive mechanism; the adoption of the Law
of Mongolia on the Legal Status of Human Rights Defenders; the adoption of several
amnesty laws, including the 2021 Amnesty Law; the absence of systemic detention in the
context of migration in the country; and the approach of voluntary admission to State-run
care institutions for persons in need of assisted living. Challenges were identified, however,
in the criminal justice system, including shortcomings in the implementation of the revised
Criminal Procedure Code and the detention of persons in police custody. The Working Group
also expressed concern regarding procedural guarantees and fair trial rights, certain
behavioural regimes in prisons and a lack of transparency in the early conditional release
mechanism. Some legislative provisions were found to be not fully aligned with the
requirements of international law in the area of the prohibition of the arbitrary deprivation of
liberty. The Working Group further observed that there are no specialized courts for youth
and expressed concern that children detained in general pretrial detention facilities are not
provided with educational activities. Finally, the lack of community-based services for
persons with psychosocial disabilities have resulted in such persons remaining indefinitely
at the National Centre for Mental Health. Among other recommendations, the Working
Group encourages Mongolia to adopt specific practices that offer greater protections against
arbitrary detention.


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