Solitary Watch in Other Media Outlets

To reach as broad an audience as possible with our original reporting and commentary on solitary confinement, Solitary Watch regularly publishes not only on our own site, but in larger publications as well. The following is a list of more than a hundred pieces supported by Solitary Watch that have appeared in a wide variety of media outlets.


Washington State Prisons Suppress Cultural Awareness Groups
Felix Sitthivong
Prism, July 2024

The Hell Inside Hell: Solitary Confinement in Texas Hides the Sexual Abuse of Women and Girls
Kwaneta Harris
Scalawag, May 2024

Nine Solitary Studies: Over 11,000 People Incarcerated at the Federal Bureau Of Prisons Spend 23 Hours a Day in Solitary Confinement. The BOP Wants to Keep Examining the Issue.
Katie Rose Quandt
The American Prospect, May 2024

The Horrific Reality of Transgender Individuals in Texas Prisons
Advocate, March 2024


When ‘Suicide Watch’ Becomes a Death Sentence
Katie Rose Quandt
The Nation, May 2023

Maryland’s Solitary Confinement Reform Bill Stalls in the Democratic State Legislature
Victoria Law
The Nation, May 2023

The New York Law Everyone Is Watching
Victoria Law
The Nation, May 2023

New Jail, Same Problems: Why Cleveland Is Resisting Plans for a ‘Modern’ Detention Center
Katie Rose Quandt
The Appeal, March 2023 

Far Right GOP Now Champions Jail Reforms—But Only for January Sixers
Katie Rose Quandt
Truthout, January 2023


Here in San Quentin, I See Why Solitary Confinement Must End
Juan Moreno Haines
Los Angeles Times, October 2022

Activists Put Solitary Confinement on Ballot, but Local Elections Board Nixed It
Katie Rose Quandt
Truthout, Oct 2022

San Quentin Is Still Punishing People for Being Sick
Katie Rose Quandt and Juan Moreno Haines
The American Prospect & Type Investigations, September 2022

These Labor Unions Are Fighting to Keep Solitary Confinement
Victoria Law
The Nation, August 2022 

Secret Solitary
Thomas Bartlett Whitaker
Guernica, June 2022 

‘They Like When They Get to Pepper Spray Us’
Melat Eskender
The Crime Report, April 2022

COVID-Fueled Solitary Confinement Still Plagues Prisons and Jails
Katie Rose Quandt and Allison Altshule
Truthout, March 2022

Will Biden Step Up on Solitary Confinement?
Veronica Riccobene and Jean Casella
The Appeal, February 2022

Inside the Underground Economy of Solitary Confinement
Matthew Azzano
The Marshall Project, February 2022

We Pleaded for Social Distancing Here in San Quentin. The State Refused, and Now COVID Is Raging
Juan Moreno Haines
Los Angeles Times, Jan 2022


Jailhouse Lawyers Are Often Punished with Solitary Confinement
Roxanne Barnes
Truthout, Dec 2021

‘I Watch the Roaches and I Envy Them.’ After 24 Years, Billy Blake Leaves Solitary Confinement
Vadiya Gullapalli
New York Focus, July 2021 

Why Lockdowns Can’t Protect People in Prison From Deadly Viruses
Annalena Wolcke
The Crime Report, June 2021

Cuomo Concedes on Two Big Wins for Criminal Justice Reform
Veronica Riccobene
The Appeal, April 2021

America’s Rural-Jail-Death Problem
Katie Rose Quandt
The Atlantic, March 2021

They Called for Help. They’d Always Regret It.
Sarah Shourd
The Atlantic, Jan 2021


From Hellhole to Hotspot: Accounts Inside the D.C. Jail During COVID-19 Reveal a Perfect Storm of Squalor and Neglect
Valerie Kiebala, James Ridgeway, and Lawrence Ukenye
The Root, December 2020

In New York, Few Resources for Solitary Confinement After Prison
Roshan Abraham
City Limits, December 2020 

Hunger for Justice: Immigrant Detainees Are Being Punished for Refusing to Eat
Renée Feliz
The Progressive, December 2020 

Incarcerated Women Are Punished for Their Trauma with Solitary Confinement
Elizabeth Hawes
Truthout, December 2020 

Digging Our Way Out of the Hole: The Safe Alternative to Solitary
Jeremiah Bourgeois
The Crime Report, September 2020

Inside One Lawyer’s Quest to End Solitary Confinement
Katie Rose Quandt
Rolling Stone, October 2020

We Can’t Vote in San Quentin Prison. So We Held a Mock Election
Juan Moreno Haines and Kevin Deroi Sawyer
The Guardian, October 2020

Federal Prisons Went on Lockdown and Deployed Staff to Quash BLM Protests
Carter Deane
Truthout, July 2020

As Use of Solitary Confinement Surges, Advocates Call for Releasing Prisoners
Joshua Manson
The Appeal, June 2020

How to Survive Supermax
Arthur Longworth
The New Republic, June 2020 

US Jails Will Become Death Traps in the Coronavirus Pandemic
Jean Casella and Katie Rose Quandt
The Guardian, March 2020

In San Quentin Prison, Getting the Flu Can Land You in Solitary Confinement
Juan Moreno Haines
The Appeal, February 2020 

Even When You Change Its Name, Solitary Confinement Is Torture
Victoria Law
Truthout, January 2020


Sheriff Tom Dart Says Cook County Jail Is the First to End Solitary Confinement. Here’s What It Looks Like from the Inside.
Valerie Kiebala
Chicago Reporter, 2019

GEO-run Aurora ICE Detention Center Is Isolating Immigrants—Some Mentally Ill—in Prolonged Solitary Confinement
Susan Greene
Colorado Independent, August 2019 

Solitary Confinement Can Lead to a Life Sentence in Prison
Abram Wolfe
Truthout, June 2019  

Pennsylvania Prison Lockdown: Public Health Crisis or Powerplay?
Valeria Kiebala
Truthout, February 2019

Showtime’s ‘Escape at Dannemora’ Left Out Torture and Abuse
Katie Rose Quandt
The Appeal, January 2019


Solitary Confinement, Jail Deaths Rock Race for Sheriff in California
Victoria Law
The Appeal, October 2018  

‘As Long as Solitary Exists, They Will Find a Way to Use It’
Victoria Law
The Nation, July 2018


Opening the Door: What Will It Take To End Long-Term Solitary Confinement In America’s Prisons? Colorado Could Be The First To Find Out.  
Jean Casella and Aviva Stahl
Prison Legal News, September 2017

Adam Hall Tried to Kill Himself in Prison. And Got Six More Years.
James Ridgeway and Katie Rose Quandt
Village Voice, April 2017


Solitary Confinement: The Least Discussed & Most Unknown Public Health Crisis in America
Conversation with Jean Casella
The Healthcare Policy Podcast, December 2016 

At Angola Prison, Getting Sick Can Be a Death Sentence
Katie Rose Quandt and James Ridgeway
In These Times, December 2016

6×9: An Immersive Experience of Solitary Confinement  
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella, Consulting Producers
The Guardian, April 2016

In California Death Row’s ‘Adjustment Center,’ Condemned Men Wait in Solitary Confinement
Alyssa Stryker
Truthout, April 2016

Why We Must Listen to Survivors of Solitary Confinement  
Conversation with Jean Casella and Sara Shourd
Truthout, March 2016

Voices from Solitary Confinement
Interview with James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Takeaway, WNYC, February 2016

A Brief History of Solitary Confinement
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Longreads, February 2016

James Ridgeway’s Solitary Reporting
Jennifer Gonnerman
The New Yorker, January 2016

With Sons in Solitary, Mothers Fight for Their Freedom—and Their Lives
Victoria Law
Truthout, January 2016


Will the Supreme Court Free Albert Woodfox After 43 Years in Solitary?
Katie Rose Quandt
Truthout, December 2015

American Outcasts: US Prisons and Modern Day Banishment  
James Ridgeway
The Intercept, April 2015


Arizona Opens New $50 Million Supermax Prison; New Report Denounces State’s Use of Solitary Confinement  
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, December 2014

Under Fire for Negligence, North Carolina Prisons Chief Seeks New Funding for Mental Health Treatment
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, December 2014

What Death Penalty Opponents Don’t Get
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Marshall Project, November 2014

UN Committee on Torture Questions U.S. Record on Solitary Confinement
Aviva Stahl
Prison Legal News, November 2014

Arizona Agrees to Settlement to Improve Prison Health Care, Limit Use of Solitary Confinement
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, November 2014

Women in Solitary Confinement: ‘The Isolation Degenerates Us into Madness’
Victoria Law
Prison Legal News, October 2014

Reports Condemn Health Care and Solitary Confinement in Arizona State Prisons
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, September 2014

From One North Carolina Prison, Reports of an Eight-Month Lockdown
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, September 2014

News from the Hole: The Words of People in Solitary Confinement in America’s Prisons
James Ridgeway
CounterPunch, September 2014

Videos Show Brutal Treatment of Prisoners with Mental Illness
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, August 2014

Transgender Women in New York State Prisons Face Solitary Confinement and Sexual Assault
Aviva Stahl
Just Detention, August 2014

In a Maryland Jail, Teens Charged as Adults Face Isolation and Neglect
Aviva Stahl
Truthout, June 2014

Funding Approved for Activation ADX/USP Thomson, New Federal Supermax Prison
Lisa Dawson
Truthout, April 2014

Extradited to a Future of Torture: The Reality of Solitary Confinement in America
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Presentation at International State Crime Initiative, March 2014

We Are One Body: Catholics Raise Voices against the Use of Solitary Confinement
Katie Rose Quandt
America, March 2014

Is the American Health Profession Ignoring a Human Rights Issue Hiding in Plain Sight?
James Ridgeway
PLOS, January 2014


Oversight in British Prisons: A Model for the US
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Crime Report, October 2013

Solitary Confinement’s Invisible Scars
Five Omar Mualimm-ak
The Guardian, October 2013

Angola 3’s Herman Wallace is Gravely Ill—But Still on Permanent Lockdown
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, June 2013

Officials Can’t Prove Holding 12,400 People in Solitary Makes Federal Prisons Safer
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, June 2013

America’s 10 Worst Prisons: ADX
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, May 2013

Louisiana Attorney General Says Angola 3 ‘Have Never Been Held in Solitary Confinement’
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, March 2013

Fortress of Solitude
James Ridgeway
Columbia Journalism Review, March 2013

Big Labor’s Lock ‘Em Up Mentality
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, February 2013

Welcome to the New Federal Supermax
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, February 2013

‘Companionship or Death’: Jewish Engagement with the Injustice of Solitary Confinement  
Rachel M. Cohen
New Voices, January 2013


Kids in Solitary Confinement: America’s Official Child Abuse
Jean Casella and James Ridgeway
The Guardian, October 2012

Unlock the Box: The Fight Against Solitary Confinement in New York
Jean Casella and James Ridgeway
The Nation, October 2012

The Other Death Sentence
James Ridgeway
Mother Jones, September 2012

Federal Prisons Chief to Inmates: Don’t Kill Yourself
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, August 2012

New York’s Black Sites
Jean Casella and James Ridgeway
The Nation, August 2012

Congress Unlocks America’s Hidden Shame of Solitary Confinement
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Guardian, June 2012

Is Solitary Confinement a Form of Torture?
Interview with James Ridgeway
Reason, June 2012

Senators Finally Ponder the Question: Is Solitary Confinement Wrong?
Jean Casella, James Ridgeway, and Sal Rodriguez
Mother Jones, June 2012

Torture in U.S. Prisons? Historic Senate Hearing Takes Up Solitary Confinement’s Devastating Toll
Interview with James Ridgeway
Democracy Now!, June 2012

After Years in Solitary, a Mentally Ill Prisoner’s Day in Court
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, April 2012

Torturous Milestone: 40 Years in Solitary
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
Mother Jones, April 2012

The Gitmos Next Door
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
CounterPunch, January 2012


A Hunger for Justice in Pelican Bay
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Guardian, July 2011

Cruel and Unusual: US Solitary Confinement
James Ridgeway
Al Jazeera, March 2011

The Lonely Battle Against Solitary Confinement
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Guardian, January 2011


Locking Down the Mentally Ill
James Ridgeway and Jean Casella
The Crime Report, February 2010


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