Russia/Ukraine Sanctions Update


  • OFAC Makes Russia-related Designations to Its SDN List: On September 14, 2023, the Departments of State and the Department of the Treasury imposed further sanctions on over 150 individuals and entities, including five Turkish firms and one Turkish individual, in connection with Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine. The Departments targeted individuals and entities including Russia’s elites, industrial base, financial institutions, technology suppliers, and those engaged in sanctions evasion and circumvention, those complicit in furthering Russia’s ability to wage war against Ukraine, and those responsible for bolstering Russia’s future energy production. Read more >>
  • OFAC Issues Russia-related General Licenses: On September 14, OFAC issued General License 55A, “Authorizing Certain Services Related to Sakhalin-2” and General License 72, “Authorizing the Wind Down of Transactions Involving Certain Entities Blocked on September 14, 2023.” General License 55A allows for importation of Sakhalin-2, previously prohibited by OFAC starting November 21, 2022, into Japan through June 28, 2024. General License 72 authorizes the wind down of transactions involving eight companies sanctioned by OFAC on September 14, 2023. This wind down period will last through December 13, 2023. The license does not authorize any transactions prohibited by Directive 2 under E.O. 14024, Directive 4 under E.O. 14024, or any transaction otherwise prohibited by the RuHSR.Read more >>
  • US Department of State Announces Additional Sanctions on Russian Energy Production: On September 14, 2023, the US State Department imposed sanctions on over 70 entities and individuals involved in expanding Russia’s energy production and export capacity, operating in Russia’s metals and mining sectors and aiding Russian individuals and entities in evading international sanctions. The Department of State also designated one Russian Intelligence Services officer and one Georgian-Russian oligarch. Read more >>
  • US Department of Commerce Targets 28 Companies from China, Russia, and Other Countries: On September 25, 2023, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) targeted 28 companies from China, Russia and other countries for conspiracy to violate US export controls and other activities contrary to US national security interests. The new designations included nine firms implicated in violating existing export controls through a scheme to supply a Russian company with components to build unmanned aerial vehicles for Russia’s intelligence agency. Read more >>
  • US and UK Sanction Additional Members of the Russia-based Trickbot Cybercrime Gang: On September 7, 2023, the US, in coordination with the UK, sanctioned eleven individuals who are part of the Russia-based Trickbot cybercrime group. The Trickbot group has ties to Russian intelligence services and has targeted the US government and US companies, including hospitals. Read more >> Also on September 7, 2023, the Department of Justice indicted multiple Russian cybercrime actors involved in the Trickbot malware and ransomware schemes. Read more >>
  • OFAC Sanctions Five Entities and Two Individuals for Supplying Components for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Used by Russia Military in Ukraine: On September 27, 2023, OFAC sanctioned five entities and two individuals based in Iran, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates involved in the procurement of sensitive parts for Iran’s one-way attack unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program. This network has facilitated shipments and financial transactions in support of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force Self Sufficiency Jihad Organization’s procurement of servomotors, a critical component used in Iran’s Shahed-series UAVs. Iran has been supplying Russia with Shahed-136 UAVs to support Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. Read more >>
  • Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Convenes REPO Deputies Meeting: On September 7, 2023, the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury and Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General convened a Russian Elites, Proxies, and Oligarchs (REPO) Deputies meeting. At the meeting, participants from Australia, Canada, the European Commission, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States discussed ongoing sanctions enforcement initiatives and noted the need to counter Russian elites and their proxy networks that continue to enable and profit from Putin’s war economy. REPO members committed to taking steps to fully map Russian sovereign assets and ensure that Russian assets held in REPO member jurisdictions will remain immobilized until Russia pays for the damage it has caused to Ukraine. Read more >>
  • US Department of Commerce Meets with International Allies and Adds Important Updates to Its List of Controlled “Common High Priority” Items: On September 19, 2023, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) met with the UK, EU, and Japan to continue coordination in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As a result, BIS added seven new Harmonized System codes to its “common high priority” items list, including bearings needed for heavy vehicles or other machinery and antennae used for navigation systems. Read more >>
  • Secretary of State Suggests Asset Transfer from Russian Oligarchs to Ukraine Occurring: During a September 6 press availability with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the US, “for the first time,” is transferring assets seized from sanctioned Russian oligarchs to Ukraine to support Ukrainian military veterans. Read more >>
  • BIS Issues Guidance to Prevent High Priority Items from Being Diverted to Russia: On September 28, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a new guidance document for US industry to prevent high priority items from being shipped to Russia. The guidance recommends that exporters secure written confirmation from their customers to help prevent diversion, and provides a sample written attestation for this purpose. Read more >>
  • US Defense Secretary Announces Ukrainian Forces Will Soon Receive US Abrams Tanks: During his opening remarks at the 15th Ukraine Defense Contact Group on September 19, 2023, the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, announced that the M1 Abrams tanks that the US had previously committed to “will be entering Ukraine soon.” The Defense Secretary also highlighted that the US has committed additional security-assistance packages totalling more than $2 billion. These packages include urgently needed air defense, ammunition, and mine-clearing equipment. Read more >>
  • DOJ Arrests Russian International Money Launderer for Defrauding the United States: On September 18, 2023, DOJ charged Maxim Marchenko, a Russian citizen, in connection with conspiring to defraud the United States and smuggling, wire fraud, and money laundering offenses. Marchenko is alleged to have participated in a scheme to unlawfully procure US-sources, dual-use microelectronics with military application on behalf of end users in Russia. Read more >>
  • Miami-based Businessman Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Violate Russia-Ukraine Sanctions: On September 13, 2023, Sergey Karpushkin, a Miami resident and citizen of Belarus, plead guilty to engaging in a scheme to violate US sanctions and commit money laundering by conducting transactions for the purchase and acquisition of metal products valued at over $139 million from companies owned by Sergey Kurchenko, an OFAC-designated SDN. Karpushkin also agreed to forfeit over $4.7 million in criminal proceeds. Read more >>
  • US Department of Commerce Issues Temporary Denial Order in Support of Strike Force Case: On August 31, 2023, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security issued a temporary denial order (TDO), suspending the export privileges of three individuals – Arthur Petrov, Zhanna Soldatenkova, and Ruslan Almetov – and four companies – Astrafteros Technokosmos LTD, Ultra Trade Service LLC, Juzhoi Electronic LLC, and LLC Electrocom VPK – all of which are part of a Russia-based illicit procurement network that supplies the Russian military. Read more >>
  • US Sanctions Authorities Delay KFC’s Russia Exit: KFC’s exit from Russia was delayed after OFAC issued a compliance guidance to the industry regarding the Russia “exit tax,” while negotiations on the exit deal were ongoing. The delay illustrates how corporate exits have become more complicated as Russia has tightened its restrictions. Read more >>


  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Actions Brought by Mr. Dmitry Alexandrovich Pumpyanskiy and Ms. Galina Evgenyevna Pumpyanskaya Against EU Sanctions: On September 6, the General Court dismissed the actions brought by Mr. Pumpyanskiy and his wife. The General Court held that although Mr. Pumpyanskiy has not played a direct role in military offensive in Ukraine, he is involved in economic sectors which constitute a substantial source of revenue for the Government of Russia. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Action Brought by Ms. Elena Petrovna Timchenko Against EU Sanctions: On September 6, the General Court dismissed the action brought by Ms. Timchenko highlighting amongst others involvement of Ms. Timchenko within the Timchenko Foundation associated with her husband. Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Decided that EU Sanctions on Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shulgin Should Be Lifted: On September 6, the General Court ruled that sanctions against Mr. Shulgin should be lifted recalling the need for an updated assessment of the grounds for sanctions. Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Action Brought by Mr. Tigran Khudaverdyan against EU Sanctions: On September 6, the General Court dismissed the action brought by Mr. Khudaverdyan. Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Action Brought by Mr. Mikail Safarbekovich Gutseriev against EU Sanctions: On September 6, the General Court dismissed the action brought by Mr. Gutseriev. Read more >>
  • Commission Published Guidance to Help European Operators Assess Sanctions Circumvention Risks: On September 7, the European Commission published a guidance note addressed to European operators to help them identify, assess, and understand the possible risks of sanctions circumvention and how to avoid it. This guidance note aims at providing a general overview of what EU operators need to do when conducting due diligence in their work, as required by EU law. Read more >>
  • EU Sanctioned Six Individuals for Human Rights Violations in Russia and Ukraine: On September 8, the EU decided to impose restrictive measures on six individuals responsible for human rights violations in Russia and Ukraine, including violations of freedom of opinion and expression. The individuals listed include prosecutors and judges active in courts established by Russia’s occupying force in illegally annexed Crimea, as well as members of the Russian Federal Security Service. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • European Parliament Note on Recent Publications and Commentaries from Think Tanks on Russia’s War on Ukraine: On September 8, the European Parliamentary Research Service published its regular update note gathering links to the recent publications and commentaries from international think tanks on Russia’s war on Ukraine. Read more >>
  • European Commission Has Updated Its Russia Sanctions FAQs on Imports, Purchase and Transfer of Listed Goods: On September 12, the European Commission updated its FAQ regarding personal goods and vehicles temporarily brought by Russian nationals. Read more >>
  • EU Individual Sanctions against Russia Prolonged for Further Six Months: On September 13, the EU decided to prolong the individual sanctions targeting those responsible for undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Ukraine until March 15, 2024. The sanctions measures provide for travel restrictions for natural persons, the freezing of assets, and a ban on making funds or other economic resources available to the listed individuals and entities. Sanctions will continue to apply to almost 1,800 individuals and entities altogether. Read more >>
  • Three Russian Individuals Removed from the EU Sanctions List: On September 13, the EU removed Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Shulgin, Grigory Viktorovich Berezkin and Farkhad Akhmedov from the sanctions list in the context of the EU sanctions renewal. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Action Brought by Mr. Alexander Evgenevich Shatrov against EU Sanctions: On September 13, the General Court dismissed the action brought by Mr. Shatrov against EU sanctions in view of the situation in Belarus. Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Action Brought by Mr. Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov against EU Sanctions: On September 13, the General Court dismissed the action brought by Mr. Rashnikov against EU sanctions in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Read more >>
  • EU’s General Court Dismissed the Action Brought by Synesis TAA against EU Sanctions: On September 13, the General Court dismissed the action brought by a Belarusian company active in the sector of information technology Synesis TAA against EU sanctions in view of the situation in Belarus. Read more >>
  • Action Brought by Mr. Vladimir Gheorghe Plahotniuc against EU Sanctions: On September 25, the EU published information on the action brought on August 9, 2023, by Mr. Plahotniuc against EU sanctions in view of actions destabilizing the Republic of Moldova. Read more >>
  • Glencore Traded Russian Copper through Turkey: It is reported that commodity trading company Glencore brought at least 5,000 tons of Russian copper sheets made by Russia’s Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) routed through Turkey to Italy in July 2023. It is estimated that overall Turkish imports of copper cathode and wire rod were 125,000 tons higher year on year in the first six months of 2023, and far in excess of domestic requirements. Read more >>
  • European Commission Clarifies That ‘No-Claims Clause’ Protects Operators Complying with EU Sanctions: On September 27, the European Commission explained that a ‘no-claims clause’ included as a standard provision in EU sanctions legislations protects operators required to comply with EU sanctions from having to satisfy claims of any type brought forward by certain third parties, whenever those claims are connected with the performance of a contract or transaction affected by EU sanctions. This includes claims for indemnity or any legal claim for compensation. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • European Commission Confirms That No Derogation Allows for The Transfer of Banknotes to Russia: On September 27, the European Commission reaffirmed that there is no derogation to the prohibition to sell, supply, transfer, or export to Russia of banknotes denominated in any official currency of a Member State or to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia or for any use in Russia. Member States are responsible for the implementation of EU sanctions and must take the necessary measures to make sure that sanctions are applied, including by carrying out investigations. Read more >> and Read more >>


  • UK and EU Russia-connected Iron and Steel Ban to Come into Force: On September 30, 2023, the Russia-connected iron and steel bans announced by the UK and EU will come into force prohibiting the import of iron and steel products from third countries which originate from Russia or are processed from Russian iron and steel. Companies are also required to provide evidence that this is not the case. UK Department for Business & Trade and Department for International Trade published guidance on the measures earlier this month, providing examples of what would/would not be prohibited. Read more >>
  • OFSI Amends One UK Sanctions Designation: On September 27, 2023, OFSI amended one entry in the UK Sanctions List. The entry for Alexei Kozlov was updated, and he remains subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions. Read more >>
  • UK, along with E5 nations, Issues Joint Guidance on Countering Russian Evasion of Export Controls: On September 26, 2023, the E5 issued joint guidance to industry and academia identifying high priority items critical to Russian weapons systems and urging specific actions to prevent diversion of these items to Russia through third countries. The guidance provides a list of 45 prioritised Harmonised System (HS) codes containing items Russia needs for its weapons systems. The guidance then identifies patterns associated with importers in non-GECC (Global Export Control Coalition) countries that may raise (i) diversion concerns, (ii) due diligence tips for screening such parties, and (iii) red flag indicators that may be relevant to exporters to assist in determining whether an activity may be connected to export control and/or sanctions evasion. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • OFSI Issues General Licence for Payments to Water Companies: On September 21, 2023, OFSI issued General Licence INT/2023/3179120, which permits, among other things, any person designated under UK autonomous sanctions regulations to pay water companies for water and sewage services, subject to certain conditions. Read more >>
  • UK Government Updates High Priority Items Lists: On September 21, 2023, the UK’s FCDO updated its list of controlled “common high priority” items (i.e. items identified as critical to Russia’s war effort) by (i) adding 7 new product codes, including bearings needed for heavy vehicles or other machinery and antennae used for navigation systems and (ii) dividing Tier 3 of the list into mechanical and non-mechanical items. Read more >>
  • OFSI Updates 4 Russian Sanctions Designations: On September 19, 2023, OFSI amended one and corrected three entries in the UK Sanctions List. The entries for the following individuals were updated: (i) Mikhail Maratovic Fridman, (ii) Zarakh Binsionovich Iliev, (iii) Igor Viktorovich Makarov and (iv) Iskander Kakhramonovich Makhmudov. All of these individuals remain subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions. Read more >>
  • UK, along with Other G7 nations, to Introduce Russia Diamonds Import Ban: On September 18, 2023, a Belgian official announced that a ban on imports of Russian diamonds is expected to be agreed by the G7 in the next two or three weeks. According to the official, there would be a direct ban on purchases from 1 January 2024 as well as an indirect ban, which would be phased in over time. Earlier in 2023, the UK Prime Minister banned the import of Russian diamonds, copper, aluminium, and nickel. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • UK Government Proscribes Wagner Group as Terrorist Organization: On September 15, 2023, the UK Government proscribed the Wagner Group as a terrorist organisation. Actively supporting and/or belonging to the Wagner Group is now a criminal offence that could be punished by imprisonment of up to 14 years and/or a fine. Read more >>
  • The UK and US Extend Sakhalin-2 Project Sanctions Exemption: On September 14, 2023, the UK Government amended General Licence INT/2022/2470156 to extend the exemption of oil originating in or consigned from Sakhalin-2 from the oil price cap until 28 June 2024. The relevant part of the General License authorises the supply or delivery of Russian oil (and the provision of related services) originating in or consigned from Sakhalin-2 from a place in Russia to a place in Japan. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • UK Lords Committee Calls for Evidence on UK-EU Cooperation on Sanctions for Inquiry: On September 12, 2023, the UK House of Lords European Affairs Committee launched an inquiry into the long-term implications for the UK of the EU’s foreign and security policy response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including UK-EU cooperation on sanctions, and their enforcement and effectiveness. The Committee has issued a call for evidence, inviting interested individuals and organisations to submit written evidence to the inquiry by 27 October 2023. The Committee encourages anyone with expertise in or experience of the matters under consideration in its inquiry to submit written evidence. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • UK Government Provides Guidance on Russian Iron and Steel Processed in Third Countries: On September 8, 2023, the UK Government published guidance on the scope of the measures related to Russian iron and steel processed in third countries (which will come into force on 30 September 2023). The notice sets out inter alia: (i) what evidence traders need to provide to demonstrate compliance; (ii) what constitutes an “iron and steel” product; (iii) examples of how the rules may be applied in practice; and (iv) corresponding licensing provisions. Read more >>
  • UK Sanctions 11 Members of the Russia-based Trickbot Cybercrime Gang: On September 7, 2023, OFSI added 11 individuals to the UK sanctions list in a coordinated effort with the United States. The individuals are connected to the Russian cyber criminal gang behind the Trickbot/Conti ransomware attacks that targeted hospitals and other critical infrastructure during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Those sanctioned have been targeted with asset freezes and travel bans by UK authorities to counter the threat of ransomware both in the UK and abroad. The National Crime Agency (NCA), who conducted a complex investigation into these individuals, assesses that the group was responsible for extorting at least $180 million from victims globally, and at least £27 million from 149 UK victims. Read more >> and Read more >>
  • FCA Publishes Review of the Sanctions Systems of Financial Services Firms: On September 7, 2023, the UK Financial Conduct Authority published a review of the sanctions systems and controls in place in over 90 financial services firms. The review found that (i) there were good practices, such as firms who conducted risk exposure assessments in advance of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and firms who conducted sample testing and tuning, (ii) governance and oversight needed to be improved in many firms, there was an over-reliance on third party sanctions screening tools, and in some global firms, global policies were not aligned with the UK sanctions regime, (iii) many firms had significant backlogs in the assessment of alerts from sanctions screening, some firms had inadequate internal expertise, and some firms had inadequate screening capabilities, and (iv) there were low quality Customer Due Diligence and Know your Customer assessments and inconsistencies in reporting breaches to the FCA. Read more >>
  • UK Says It Will Declare Russia’s Wagner Group a Banned Terrorist Organisation: On September 6, 2023, Great Britain announced that it will declare Russia’s Wagner mercenary group a banned terrorist organization, saying it remains a threat to global security even after the death of leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. The government said an order will be introduced in Parliament to proscribe the group under the Terrorism Act. The designation, once approved by lawmakers, will bar membership in or support for Wagner, which has played a major fighting role in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It has also operated in Syria and several African countries. The ban will allow UK authorities to seize the organization’s assets, though that power is largely symbolic as Wagner is not known to operate in Britain. The move follows a recommendation by Parliament’s influential Foreign Affairs Committee in July that Wagner be outlawed. The committee said British authorities had “underplayed and underestimated” the threat posed by the mercenary group. Read more >>


  • Russia Dodges G7 Price Cap Sanctions on Most of Its Oil Exports: Russia has succeeded in avoiding G7 sanctions on most of its oil exports, a shift in trade flows that will boost the Kremlin’s revenues as crude rises towards $100 a barrel. Almost three-quarters of all seaborne Russian crude flows travelled without western insurance in August, a lever used to enforce the G7’s $60-a-barrel oil price cap. The rise implies that Moscow is becoming more adept at circumventing the cap, allowing it to sell more of its oil at prices closer to international market rates. Read more >>
  • Putin Extends 2014 Anti-Sanctions Measure Until the End of Next Year: Russian President Vladimir Putin extended the decree on response measures to Western sanctions until December 31, 2024. The new decree extends the duration of the food embargo introduced in 2014. These restrictions were a response to Western sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, and covers beef, pork, poultry, fish, seafood, cheeses, milk, fruits, vegetables, etc. Read more >>
  • Russia Bans Entry to 23 British Individuals: On September 27, 2023, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs added 23 British individuals to its “stop list”, banning their entry into Russia. The full list of names was not published, but the individuals are members of the UK’s military, political, media, and academic communities, and certain individuals were named, including: (i) Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, (ii) Madeleine Alessandri, chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee, and (iii) Cressida Hogg, chair of British defence contractor BAE Systems. Read more >>
  • Russia Suspends Fuel Exports Amid Shortages: On September 21, 2023, Russia announced that it had suspended exports of gasoline and diesel fuel to curb price hikes during harvest season amid reports of gasoline shortages in the country’s southern regions. The government’s press service stated that the move was a “temporary measure” in order to stabilise domestic prices. Fuel prices had risen due to high prices on world markets, devaluation of the rouble and a sharp reduction in the fuel damper by the government. Read more >>
  • Putin Extends Gas Price Limit for Gazprom’s Joint Venture with Wintershall and ÖMV: Russian President Vladimir Putin extended until October 1, 2024, a decree prohibiting Gazprom from buying gas from joint ventures with the German Wintershall Dea and the Austrian ÖMV above the fixed maximum price. The initial description began to operate on March 1, 2022. Read more >>
  • Russian Central Bank Extends Restrictions on Transfers of Non-Residents from “Unfriendly” Countries: Transfers abroad of funds of non-residents – both individuals and legal entities – from unfriendly countries from the accounts of brokers and trustees will be limited from October 1 for another six months, according to an order of the Central Bank of Russia. The regulator emphasized that the decision was made to maintain financial stability. On April 1, 2022, the Bank of Russia limited the transfers abroad of funds of non-resident individuals and legal entities from unfriendly countries from the accounts of Russian brokers. Read more >>
  • Kremlin Has Blocked 18 Billion Dollars in Profits of Companies from “Unfriendly” Countries: Western companies that have continued to operate in Russia since Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine have generated billions of dollars in profits, but the Kremlin has blocked them from accessing the cash in an effort to turn the screw on “unfriendly” nations. Groups from such countries accounted for $18bn of the $20bn in Russian profits that overseas companies reported for 2022 alone. Local earnings of companies have been locked in Russia since the imposition last year of a dividend payout ban on businesses from “unfriendly” countries including the US, UK and all EU members. While such transactions can be approved under exceptional circumstances, few withdrawal permits have been issued. Read more >>
  • Russia Raises Interest Rates to 13% Amid Inflation Concerns: Russia’s Central Bank raised interest rates from 12% to 13% on Friday as it said it remains concerned about an inflationary spiral taking hold across the Russian economy. The move is the second rate hike in two months following an emergency meeting in August held after the Russian ruble fell below 100 against the US dollar. The ruble has since dipped just below the crucial level — seen as a barometer of economic health by many Russians — but has failed to strengthen significantly. A falling currency pushes up the price of goods that use imported parts. Meanwhile, record labor shortages are driving wages higher, which also adds to price concerns. Read more >>
  • State Property Fund of Ukraine Issues a Register of Sanctioned Assets: The Digital Transformation Office of the State Property Fund has launched a website that contains a list of all seized assets of Russians and collaborators that have been transferred to the Fund’s management. The register contains information on 136 sanctioned assets and is available at the following link: Read more >>
  • Ukraine Confiscated the Property of 28 Sanctioned Persons in One Year: The Supreme Anti-corruption Court of Ukraine transferred property of 28 natural and legal persons subject to sanctions to the state possession between 1 September 2022 and 1 September 2023. During the year, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine filed 29 lawsuits for the recovery of assets into the state’s possession, 28 of them were satisfied (in the first instance). 25 of the adopted decisions have already entered into legal force, the rest are either under appeal or at the stage of entry into force. Read more >>
  • Aeroflot Settles Dispute with an Irish Lessor over 18 Aircraft: The Russian airline Aeroflot has completed a settlement of the dispute with the Irish company AerCap regarding 18 aircraft that were leased from it. Ownership of the aircraft and engines passed to NSK Insurance Company LLC, which paid the amount for the aircraft to settle the dispute. The company’s press service clarified that they continue negotiations with other lessors to resolve disputes regarding other aircraft. Read more >>
  • Moscow Court Declines to Hear US Reporter Gershkovich’s New Appeal against Detention: On September 19, 2023, Moscow City Court declined to hear US reporter Evan Gershkovich’s latest appeal against his pre-trial detention on spying charges, sending it back to the Lefortovo district court citing procedural violations. Gershkovich, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal, was arrested on March 29, 2023, in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg on charges of espionage that carry up to 20 years in prison. No date has been set for his trial, and in August, 2023, his detention in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison was extended by three months to November 30. Read more >>
  • Ukraine’s Zelenskyy Vetoes New Asset Declaration Bill Amid Ongoing Struggle against Graft: On September 12, 2023, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy vetoed legislation that allowed officials to continue not disclosing their assets, as Kyiv struggles to clamp down on corruption and assure allies that it’s committed to fighting graft. The announcement came days after Zelenskyy pushed out his defense minister and shuffled several other top officials amid growing concerns that corruption and embezzlement have continued despite the ongoing Russian invasion. Read more >>


  • Canada Imposes 63 Sanctions against Russia Individuals and Entities: On September 22, 2023, Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced 63 sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Canada. The individuals and entities were involved in the illegal movement and detention of Ukrainian children, the generation and dissemination of disinformation and propaganda, as well as the nuclear programs of the Russian federation. Read more >>
  • Australia Backs International Court Action against Russia: On September 21, 2023, Australia’s solicitor-general, Stephen Donaghue, made an appearance at the International Court of Justice to argue the Court has jurisdiction to hear a case against Russia for its “illegal and immoral” invasion of Ukraine. The case involves Ukraine’s claim that alleges Russia violated the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, to which both Ukraine and Russia are parties. Read more >>
  • South Korea, Japan, and US Agree to Take Stern Measures against Potential Arms Deal Between Russia and North Korea: On September 22, 2023, Seoul’s Foreign Minister, Park Jin, US Secretary, Anthony Blinken, and Japanese Foreign Minister, Yoko Kamikawa, met to express deep concerns over Russia and North Korea’s military cooperation and agreed to respond firmly to any acts that threaten regional security in violation of the U.N. Security Council resolution. Read more >>
  • Kazakhstan Promises to Follow Sanctions Regime against Russia: Kazakhstan “will definitely follow” the sanctions regime against Russia, President of the Republic Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said at a press conference after negotiations with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Since April of this year, Kazakhstan began to require the issuance of accompanying invoices for goods when trading with EAEU countries. The measure was taken to prevent circumvention of anti-Russian sanctions and limit parallel imports. Read more >>
  • Trudeau Pledges Canada’s Support for Ukraine and Punishment for Russia: On September 23, 2023, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced several support measures for Ukraine including military, economic, and humanitarian assistance. Canada’s pledge to stand with Ukraine will include $650 million in new military assistance over the next three years. This assistance will include providing Ukraine with 50 armoured vehicles, pilot and maintenance instructors for F-16 fighter jets, support for Leopard 2 battle tank maintenance, 35 drones with high-resolution cameras, light vehicles, and ammunition. Canada and Ukraine also agreed to establish a working group with G7 partners to study seizure and forfeiture of Russian assets, including those from the Russian Central Bank. Read more >>
  • Japan Commits to Complying with US Sanctions Despite Energy Concerns: On September 19, 2023, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, Hirokazu Matsuno, confirmed that Japan will ensure a stable and steady energy supply while complying with US sanctions related to Russia’s Artic LNG 2 Project, where Mitsui, a Japanese Trading Company, and JOGMEC, a state-owned Japan organization, were set to receive a combined 2 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas per year from the Russian project. Read more >>
  • International Criminal Court Opens Field Office in Kyiv to Track Russian War Crimes: On September 14, 2023, Ukrainian Prosecutor-General’s Office announced that the International Criminal Court (ICC) had opened a field office in Kyiv as part of efforts to hold Russian forces accountable for potential war crimes committed during its invasion of Ukraine. The office in the Ukrainian capital is the ICC’s largest outside of The Hague and has opened after it has been reported that more than 104,000 war crimes had been registered during Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Read more >>
  • Kim Tells Putin That Russia Has North Korea’s ‘Full and Unconditional Support’: On September 13, 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who offered his country’s “full and unconditional support” to defend what he said was Russia’s security interests, in an apparent reference to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Putin showed Kim around Russia’s most advanced space rocket launch site in Russia’s Far East and discussed the possibility of sending a North Korean cosmonaut into space. Read more >> and Read more >>

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