President Zelensky: Preparing requests for talks with partners regarding weapons, ammunition

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has listened to reports on the supply of ammunition and weapons and noted that the Ukrainian side is preparing updated requests for communication with partners.

The relevant statement was made by the Head of State in his video address, an Ukrinform correspondent reports, referring to the Office of the President of Ukraine.

The full text of the speech is provided below:

Wishing you good health, dear Ukrainians!

Summary for today.

Just chaired a Supreme Commander-in-Chief’s Staff meeting. Frontline commanders and the Commander-in-Chief reported on the situation at the front – all main directions. East – Kupyansk, Lyman, Maryinka, Avdiivka. Zaporizhzhia. South and, in particular, our actions in Kherson region. Grateful to all the soldiers on the front lines – in battles, at combat posts. Thanks to everyone helping defend our positions – building fortifications, mining the paths that occupiers try to use. Listened to reports on the supply of ammunition and weapons, we are preparing updated requests for communication with partners. A productive week of talks is ahead.

The head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine presented a report on possible Russian actions and the international situation for the next year at the Staff meeting. We are analyzing all possible scenarios, and there must be our Ukrainian scenario for 2024. Specific operations with entirely specific justifications that will give Ukraine entirely specific results. Everything necessary for our state, our brigades, these specific results must be calculated precisely. This includes issues of mobilization. Everyone in Ukraine understands that changes are needed in this area. It’s not just about the number of those who can be mobilized. It’s about terms – for everyone currently in the military – for demobilization – and for those who will join the military. And it’s about conditions. These are comprehensive things that military leadership and the Ministry of Defense have to work out and present to the Staff for approval. Today, there were some proposals. I am waiting for integrated solutions.

Held several important meetings. Minister of Defense and his first deputy. Special, sensitive, non-public issues regarding the provision of our forces. And, a preparatory meeting before the next week. Ukraine’s participation in meaningful events, including international ones, is planned.

Today, we achieved a significant diplomatic outcome – Russia will no longer be part of the leadership of the International Maritime Organization. This is one of the largest and highly influential global institutions responsible for maritime safety. Obviously, the state-terrorist that turned the Black Sea into a battlefield cannot be among those influencing the activities of the International Maritime Organization. The entire week, we worked towards this decision – and it is a success. I am grateful to everyone who contributed to this.

Another thing.

Greeted the employees of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine on their professional day. It is crucial that Ukraine works with all partners in the most knowledgeable, careful, and professional manner to properly document and substantiate Russian crimes against our people, war crimes against our state, with evidence to restore justice. I am grateful to everyone performing this work: prosecutors, detectives, investigators, experts, and criminalists. Also, to everyone worldwide supporting the efforts of our state. The team of the International Criminal Court is busy working with Ukrainian specialists. The investigations into the abduction of children by Russians in the occupied territories of our state, deportations. When Russian officials and criminals receive lawful and just sentences, especially for deporting our children, this will be the defense of humanity on which normal life in the world depends. The Prosecutor General, the system of prosecutor’s offices in Ukraine, and law enforcement agencies are approaching the necessary just result. I thanked them for this today.

Glory to all who fight and work for the interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians! Glory to our strongest nation. A nation that is strongest when it believes in itself and knows its goals.

We will definitely achieve our goal.

Glory to Ukraine!

Photo, video: Office of the President of Ukraine


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