Justice system worked in protest cases
This recent front page article, “Cases Dismissed,” referenced the arrests at the Jayland Walker protests. The writer gives the appearance that there was something nefarious about the arrests and how the city prosecutor handled the cases. What happened here was the criminal justice system at work.
The bedrock of the criminal justice system is people are innocent until proven guilty. Police work under the legal standards of reasonable suspicion, the lawful authority to detain an individual and probable cause and the lawful authority to arrest an individual. Those arrested were arrested as the officers believed they had sufficient probable cause to arrest.
The cases then move into the court system where now the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a high standard, based on the evidence that the defendant is guilty. Based on the article, some were found not guilty, some were found guilty, others pleaded out before going to trial and some cases were dismissed.
The system as we all know is not perfect but those arrested “had their day” in court and, in this instance, it appears the system worked.
Mike Hutson, Hudson
Support Issue 1
There’s a lot of confusion around Issue 1 in Ohio. If it passes (more “yes” votes), we raise the bar for changing our constitution. It requires signatures from 5% of the total votes cast in the previous governor election in all 88 counties (instead of the current level of 44 counties) to get a proposed amendment on the ballot. It will then require 60% total ballot votes to change the constitution (instead of the current 50% +1). This reduces the chances of special interests coming into the state to change our constitution, as happened in 2009 when 4 casino owner/operators were able to get the constitution amended to specify only their four locations in Ohio.
How does Issue 1 relate to abortion in Ohio? The pro-abortion lobby has the signatures to put an amendment on the November ballot which limits any restrictions on abortion. If Issue 1 passes, it will be more difficult for the unrestricted abortion amendment to pass. Those opposed to unrestricted abortion in Ohio would still have to vote against it in November.
If Issue 1 fails, it will be much easier for unrestricted abortion to be written into our state constitution in the November ballot. I do not believe a majority of Ohioans want totally unrestricted abortion available, nor do I think a majority want abortion completely outlawed. The majority falls in the middle, wanting our own state to determine what are reasonable restrictions in our state.
I believe if Ohioans really know what is at state, they will vote “Yes” on Issue 1.
Bill Kirkwood, Stow
Editorial:8 reasons for why Issue 1 is wrong for all Ohioans, even conservatives
Protect your voice; vote no
Abortion, a last resort for most, a matter of a woman or girl’s life and death for some and a necessity for others. Eliminating the choice to terminate a pregnancy or to withhold proven drugs to clear an already failed or non-viable pregnancy is morally and ethically wrong and cruel.
Those working so hard to eliminate a woman’s choice are often the same people who look at government programs for the disadvantaged with disdain and never vote for more taxes to support them. Many abortions occur in the lower socioeconomic sector. Forcing those women to complete their pregnancy will create the need for even more funding for government programs. If funding is not passed, the cycle of poverty will continue and crime in every location will worsen — out of necessity to survive.
Passing laws against the drugs needed to more easily clear a failed pregnancy, for those able to plan a pregnancy, goes a giant step into cruelty. If the drugs are not available, an actual surgical procedure is often needed causing stress cost, additional heartache and potential harmful health complications for a woman. And if not cleared, potential life threatening conditions can and do occur.
Ohio Republicans in power are using Issue 1 as a means to limit potential pro-choice legislation. All prior Ohio governors and attorney generals urge a no vote for Issue 1. Protect your voice and vote no.
Robert Misbrener, Stow
Vote yes on Issue 1
I think the problem with Issue 1 is a failure to communicate. There are Ohio voters who think we live in a democracy when actually, we live in a representative republic. Check the U.S. Constitution Article V, which requires a proposed amendment to be “certified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states.” Because the federal constitution forms the foundation of our laws, it should be difficult to change. Or so one would think.
The same difficulty to change applies to a state constitution. I think the required number should be 75%, but who am I to question the wisdom of our Legislature.
However, the best feature of Issue 1 is that future initiative petitions proposing to amend the Ohio constitution will need to be signed by at least 5% of the electors of each county based on the total vote for governor in the last election. Now that’s a real democratic change for the better. Vote yes on Issue 1.
John Heinl, Mantua
Lottery odds are horrible
Current Powerball and Mega Millions lotteries are reaching epic prize levels and ticket sales are going crazy.
A gambling expert has used the familiar refrain that the lottery is a regressive tax on the poor. I suggest otherwise: it is an aggressive tax on the ignorant.
The chance of being a loser are 292,200,000 to 1. The odds that one will be struck by lightning in the U.S. during one’s lifetime are 1 in 15,300. Compare the odds. If you still want to “buy the dream” after understanding the odds, seek professional help.
Len Rose, Fairlawn
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