Iran News in Brief – September 8, 2023

iranian resistance activism 07092023



Iran: Political Prisoners in Critical Conditions

Ghezel-Hesar-prison (1)

Several political prisoners are on hunger strike in response to inhuman pressure by regime authorities ahead of the anniversary of the 2022 nationwide uprisings. On September 3, the regime transferred several political prisoners from the Evin Prison in Tehran to Ghezel Hesar in Karaj. These prisoners were beaten, handcuffed, and forcibly transferred to Ghezel Hesar. Prison authorities did not allow the prisoners to take their belongings, and the prisoners’ belongings were smashed or looted in Ward 8 of Evin prison. After the transfer to Ghezel Hesar, the prisoners were confined in two cells that were designated as quarantine cells for death row prisoners who were awaiting execution. The cells are extremely small, with limited space for sleeping. Prisoners are forced to rest in the corridor and near the restrooms. The prisoners have been on hunger strike since being transferred to Ghezel Hesar.

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Iran’s Regime at a Crossroads in Pursuit of Appeasement

Iran Regime Is Constructing Two New Nuclear Plants

As the Iranian regime finds itself ensnared in a web of domestic and international challenges, it has turned to a calculated policy of appeasement as a potential lifeline. The impending arrival of September and October bears witness to a regime desperately seeking to navigate through turbulent waters, both at home and on the global stage. At the heart of its efforts lies the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), a pivotal agreement that holds the key to the regime’s survival. The regime’s predicament is multifaceted. Domestically, widespread protests in Iran in September 2022 have injected fresh uncertainty into the regime’s stability. Internationally, its entanglement in Russia’s war against Ukraine has added to the complexity. Faced with these challenges, Ali Khamenei, the Iran regime’s Supreme Leader, appears to be more concerned than ever about the prospects of sealing a new deal with the West, particularly the United States.

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A BlackHole Named Qezel Hessar; Saeed Masouri’s Heart-Wrenching Account of Qezel Hessar Prison

On Tuesday, September 5, 2023, political prisoner Saeed Masouri, in a message from prison, addressed the horrifying and inhumane conditions of Qezel Hessar prison. He holds Hashem Hayat Al-Ghaib, the Director-General of Prisons in Tehran Province, and Ejei, the Chief of the Judiciary, responsible for this situation. Saeed Masouri was arrested at the age of 35 and has been serving his prison sentence for 23 years without a single day of furlough. Saeed Masouri and several others, including Loqman Aminpour, Afshin Baymani, Sepehr Emam Jomeh, Zartosht Ahmadiragheb, Mohammad Shafi’i, Saman Seyyedi (Yasin), Hamzeh Savari, Kamyar Fakour, Ahmadreza Haeri, Reza Salmanzadeh, Jafar Ebrahimi, and Masoud Reza Ebrahimi Nejad, went on a hunger strike in protest against their violent transfer from Evin Prison to Qezel Hessar Prison.

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Massoumeh Yavari Detained In Limbo, Deprived of Her Basic Rights

Massoumeh Yavari

Former political prisoner Massoumeh Yavari is detained in limbo after 72 hours. Massoumeh Yavari’s family went to the Prosecutor’s Office of Golpayegan to follow up on her case, but they were insulted and mistreated by the judiciary officials. The family is concerned about the conditions of Massoumeh Yavari as she is deprived of having access to her medicines. She used to have two injections every day as part of her treatment before being arrested. Ms. Yavari was arrested by agents of the Intelligence Ministry at her home on Monday, September 4, 2023. Some 20 agents attacked her husband as he was entering the house. The Intelligence Ministry agents had warrant instructing them to even break into the house and make the arrests. Ms. Yavari’s husband was accused of supporting the opposition PMOI/MEK and destroying public properties.

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Iran Regime, the World Record Holder in Executions of Women

List of Women Executed

The Iranian regime is the world’s top record holder of executions of women. The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has compiled the names of these women in a list called, “List of Women Executed in Iran since 2007.”

The names compiled in this list have been counted since May 2007. The NCRI Women’s Committee collects data on the executions of women in Iran from material published by the Iranian state-run press. It also compiles information from human rights activists and from private sources in touch with the Iranian Resistance. The actual figures are higher, as the Iranian regime carries out most executions secretly without anyone knowing except those who carry them out.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – September 7, 2023


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