International Call for Anarchist and Anti-Carceral Poets

<br /> International Call for Anarchist and Anti-Carceral Poets | It’s Going Down

Mar 20, 25

Call out to participate in an international anarchist and anti-carceral poetry collection in solidarity with anarchist prisoners.

Individuals and collectives from different regions of the Global South/ Abya Yala, gathered together in different projects in the Chilean region–Guitarras Libertarias and the Federación Cultural Antiautoritaria—have organized countercultural activities and actions to disseminate information on the situation of imprisoned anarchists in Chile. Activities like Guitarras Libertarias and Jornadas de Agitación Kontra Todas Las Jualas are different solidarity initiatives that have sought to accompany prisoners engaged in the social/antisocial war seeking to accelerate their liberation.

On this occasion, as Revista Rebeldias Liricas of the journal El Sol Acrata and Guitarras Libertarias, we invite folks to participate in an anarchist poetry collection, “Poetry against prisons.” We seek to gather anti-carceral and internationalist verses and ideas against all cages and borders of business totalitarianism.

The idea is to publish a compilation of poetry that can be shared in different anti-carceral activities in different territories, to make visible solidarity with prisoners engaged in the social/antisocial war. At the same time, the collection of poetry seeks to cultivate a space of expression, of feelings and thoughts, of compañerxs organizing against prisons from different territories, and to radicalize those expressions, feelings and thoughts.

We invite everyone to collaborate in the production of this material, and once it is published, to print it in different territories, to distribute it either for a standardized price or for a solidarity contribution defined by those who join in on the campaign in each region.

With this initiative we hope to contribute economically to organizations of families and friends of prisoners from the social/anti-social war in the most direct way possible. We want this poetry collection to contribute to the potency of the anti-carceral and antiauthoritarian struggle in different regions of the world fighting against business totalitarianism.

We have an enemy in common. Let’s strengthen our bonds of solidarity with poetry against prisons.

You can send your proposals to the email address: [email protected]

Art work done by: @mirai.grafika

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