Mozambique officials detained Ryan Koher in November of 2022 for suspicion of aiding terrorist while flying for Mission Aviation Fellowship; he has not been charged.
NAMPA, Idaho — Nearly a year after detainment, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) pilot Ryan Koher returned home to Idaho.
The Mozambique police detained Ryan Koher on Nov. 4, according to MAF. He was flying vitamins, over-the-counter medicine, and other supplies to a Mozambique orphanage. The Kohers moved to Mozambique in December 2021 for Ryan’s work with MAF. Koher has been with the organization since 2019.
“There’s a lot of isolated villages that are cut off from services, such as doctors,” Koher said. “They suspected me of aiding the terrorists in the northern northern part of the country.”
Mozambique did not charge Koher with any crime. He is strictly facing accusations; however, the investigation is still ongoing. Koher was held in four prisons receiving unfiltered water, bread, and one full meal a day.
“It’s enough to live on,” Koher said. “You sleep on the floor.”
Officials released Koher from prison in March of 2023, but they did not allow him to leave the country until September of 2023. The Mozambique government kept Koher’s passport. MAF lawyers, the United States government, and Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) worked with Mozambique to gain possession of Koher’s passport and ensure his safe return home.
MAF anticipates the investigation will conclude next summer and officially clear Koher.
“Right now, we’re looking at going back to Mozambique mid next year,” Koher said. “I love the people there. I love serving there… We both believe that this is still what God has called us to do in our lives.”
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