Hamas: Zionist enemy is complicit in attacking prisoners, international investigation is required for its crimes

Hamas: Zionist enemy is complicit in attacking prisoners, international investigation is required for its crimes

[Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:52:33 +0300]

GAZA August 13. 2024 (Saba) – The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirmed that the decision of the Military Prosecution of the Zionist enemy army to release the criminal soldiers involved in the case of sexual assault on a Palestinian prisoner inside the prison “Sde Timan” of the enemy army, and put them under house arrest, is open collaboration of the occupation army and its mock courts, and an attempt to cover up the heinous crimes committed under the protection of the Zionist enemy authorities.

In a press statement on Tuesday, the movement renewed its call on the international community, especially the international judicial authorities, to investigate this horrific case, and other terrible violations committed against prisoners in the prisons of the Zionist enemy.

It stressed that the Zionist farcical investigation cannot be a substitute for international investigations, to reveal what prisoners are exposed to in the occupation prisons.

Today, the Israeli military court released the soldiers accused in the case of sexually assaulting a Palestinian prisoner from the Gaza Strip in the Sde Timan camp.

The enemy army announced that it had reached an agreement with the military prosecutor’s office, under which the soldiers would be released to house arrest until investigations were completed.

Zionist medical reports were issued distorting the truth of what happened and claiming that the prisoner himself was harmed.

Under the agreement, the soldiers will be released to “house arrest” until formal investigations are completed.

It is noteworthy that prisoners released from enemy prisons testified that the occupying forces brutally assaulted and tortured the majority of detainees from Gaza, including sexual violence against many of them.


resource : Saba


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