Growing ‘No to Executions Tuesdays’ Campaign in Iran Gains Nationwide and International Recognition

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Political prisoners across Iran marked the 31st consecutive week of their hunger strike as part of the “No to Executions Tuesdays” campaign. This ongoing protest, which has been joined by inmates in multiple prisons throughout the country, aims to oppose the rampant use of the death penalty by the Iranian regime. In a statement released on this occasion, the striking prisoners condemned the government’s recent surge in executions and the oppressive conditions faced by those in detention.

The prisoners highlighted the alarming increase in executions under Iran’s newly appointed government, stating that at least 126 individuals were hanged in August alone. “Thousands of prisoners across the country, all victims of the systematic incompetence of this regime, are also awaiting execution,” the statement read. It further described the regime’s actions as a methodical and relentless assault on the right to life, aimed at instilling fear and suppressing dissent.

The statement also underscored the harsh conditions and punitive measures imposed on the prisoners participating in the campaign. These measures include the deprivation of basic rights, such as the denial of phone calls and family visits for women inmates in Evin Prison and the transfer of political prisoner Armita Paveer to solitary confinement in Tabriz Prison. “The new cabinet can be named the ‘cabinet of suppression and executions,’” the prisoners remarked, indicating that the recent appointments were a prelude to increased repression throughout Iranian society.

Despite these challenges, the prisoners reaffirmed their commitment to resist and stand firm against the regime’s tactics. “With all the pressures and repressions imposed by the religious dictatorship on this campaign and Iranian society, the prisoners continue to stand up against oppression and executions,” they declared. The statement noted that a group of political prisoners in Greater Tehran Prison had announced their participation in the “No to Executions Tuesdays” campaign from this week onward.

The campaign, which has gained international attention, has drawn support from various human rights advocates worldwide. Notably, Elisabetta Zamparutti, a former member of the Italian Parliament and an official of the human rights organization ‘Hands Off Cain,’ recently announced her decision to join the hunger strike every Tuesday in support of the campaign, highlighting the dire human rights situation in Iran and the increasing number of executions under the current regime.

As the hunger strike continues, political prisoners in 19 prisons, including Evin Prison, Ghezel Hesar Prison, Karaj Central Prison, Khorramabad Prison, Shiraz Military Prison, Mashhad Prison, Qaem Shahr Prison, Lakan Rasht Prison, Tabriz Prison, Ardabil Prison, Khoy Prison, Naqadeh Prison, Urmia Prison, Salmas Prison, Saqqez Prison, Baneh Prison, Mariwan Prison, Kamyaran Prison, and Greater Tehran Prison, have called on all people, both inside and outside Iran, to join their cause. They seek support for the campaign’s goal of abolishing the death penalty and stopping the torture of prisoners in Iran.

Alongside the 31st week of the hunger strike, many human rights defenders have voiced their support for the campaign, urging international action to halt the Iranian regime’s criminal executions. On August 27, in a statement made public, 68 human rights groups and organizations, both Iranian and international, expressed solidarity with the “No to Executions Tuesdays” movement in Iran. These organizations have called for global support to end the use of the death penalty in Iran and to protect human rights in the country.

The statement from the prisoners concluded with a plea to all conscious individuals worldwide to support the movement against executions in Iran. “We appeal to all awakened consciences around the world to support this campaign to abolish the death penalty and oppose its use,” they urged, emphasizing the critical need for global solidarity in the fight against this brutal practice.

The “No to Executions Tuesdays” campaign continues to gain momentum, driven by the resilience and determination of political prisoners who refuse to be silenced by the regime’s oppressive tactics. Their ongoing hunger strike and steadfast opposition to the death penalty highlight the enduring struggle for human rights and justice in Iran, reminding the world of the urgent need to stand against such inhumane practices.


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