Greens back calls for ‘ecocide’ law in Scotland to punish environment destroyers

The Greens have backed calls for a new “ecocide” law in Scotland to punish people guilty of mass environmental destruction. Labour MSP Monica Lennon is spearheading efforts to get the eco law on Holyrood’s statute books amid a global push for an international ecocide crime to hold planet killers to account.

The Scottish Greens – partners in government with the SNP – said Lennon’s proposal was “worthy of proper consideration”. It comes after we told yesterday how the groundbreaking “ecocide” concept was first pioneered by late Scots barrister Polly Higgins who died in 2019.

Activists told the Record that a Scottish ecocide law would be like the idea “coming home” and would complete a decade-long campaign to recognise massive environmental crimes. Campaigners say, ultimately, ecocide perpetrators should be tried in the International Criminal Court in the same vein as war criminals or people who commit genocide.

Polly Higgins
The late Polly Higgins, co-founder of Stop Ecocide, who died in 2019.

But the EU, Brazil – and now Scotland – are among those considering laws in their own territories to criminalise the worst cases of eco destruction such as oil spills, deforestation and major pollution. If backed by MSPs, it would make Scotland one of the first countries in the world to establish a crime of ecocide in the justice system.

Central Scotland MSP Lennon – who previously rallied cross-party support for her world-leading period poverty legislation – is aiming to consult on her ecocide plans later this year.

Monica Lennon MSP
Monica Lennon MSP

Scottish Greens rural affairs spokeswoman Ariane Burgess said: “The urgency of the climate and nature crisis facing us means we must investigate all opportunities to stop the spiral of damage being inflicted upon our planet to secure the right to a healthy environment.

“That is why we support the aims of the Stop Ecocide campaign with its international efforts to bring in a global ecocide law and we will consider any effective, deliverable and sound opportunities to explore those further.

Ariane Burgess criticised Angus MacNeil's comments
Ariane Burgess

“We don’t have time to wait on what might happen though. One in nine species in Scotland are under threat. Our sea beds and our lands need restored, all of which is why with Scottish Greens in government we are already strengthening environmental rights.

“Banning harmful practices such as coal and peat extraction, being unequivocal as a party in our opposition against new oil and gas developments, investing record sums in nature restoration, consulting on environmental protections – all tangible, deliverable and vital steps we are taking now while those at Westminster and big business go in the opposite direction.

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She added: “Any law that could help us repel the attacks of those with vested interests in continuing to attack our environment for greed and profit with the support of a UK Government that has abandoned nature, is worthy of proper consideration.”

Lennon said: “People from all parties and none are supporting Ecocide Law because it’s the right thing to do. I am delighted that momentum is building in Scotland and welcome the Scottish Greens getting on board.

“Building on positive talks with the Scottish Government and MSPs from across the Scottish Parliament, I am confident that an ecocide crime deterrent will become law.”

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