Outreach Spaghetti Dinner
July 20, 6-7 p.m.
Christ Presbyterian Church offers free drive-thru spaghetti and meatball dinners the third Thursday of each month. Salad and dessert are included. The church is located at 12419 Chillicothe Road in Chester Township.
Young of Heart
July 21, 11:30 a.m.
Geauga Young of Heart will meet at St. Anselm Church in Chester Township. Bring a brown bag lunch. Snacks and beverage are provided. Speaker Virginia Jescheling will present “Mob, Money and Geauga County.”
On Aug. 27, the group will visit the Northeast Ohio Steampunk Festival at the Burton Century Village. A Crystal Clear Day Trip to Tiffin is planned for Aug. 30. For trip information, call Kimber at 440-668-3293.
Concert in the Park
July 21, 7-9 p.m.
City of Chardon continues its free summer concert series featuring Blue Evolution at the bandstand on Chardon Square, weather permitting. Visit www.chardon.cc for information.
Prison Art Project Reception
July 21, 7 p.m.
St. Mary Church, Chardon will host the Prison Art Project Reception in the Gathering Space. The traveling art project sponsored by Crossroads Prison Ministry contains moving works as prisoners find beauty and faith behind prison walls through visual, written and sculptural expression.
A brief talk will be given, along with refreshments. The artwork can be viewed through Aug. 4.
For more information, contact Rita Burns at 231-262-3246.
Huntsburg Grange Concert
July 22, 6-8 p.m.
Huntsburg Grange’s bandstand concert with True Country will be sponsored by Ohman Family Living at Blossom. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy. Proceeds from Grange raffles and food sales will be donated to Huntsburg resident Matthew Burkholder for medical expenses. In case of rain, the concert will be held in Huntsburg Community Center.
Call 440-636-3052 with questions.
Audubon IBA Surveys
July 23, 8 a.m.
Blackbrook Audubon continues its monthly Important Bird Area (IBA) surveys at Orchard Hills Park in Chester Township. Participation is free and open to birders of all skill levels; no registration is required. Bring binoculars and dress for the weather.
For more information, visit blackbrookaudubon.org.
Kiwanis Summer Concert Series
July 26, 7-9 p.m.
The Kiwanis Club of West Geauga continues its summer concert series at the Chester Township Park gazebo with the soft rock trio Songbird. Visit www.wgkiwanis.org to view the summer concert schedule.
Wild Maple Music Festival
July 27, 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
The one day music festival on Chardon Square features musical acts spanning a variety of genres. The family friendly event includes vendors, food, yoga, a children’s section and more.
Visit wildmaplemusicfest.com for more information.
LCGS Potluck Dinner
July 27, 5:30 p.m.
The Lake County Genealogical Society (LCGS) will host its potluck dinner membership meeting under the pavilion at Lake Erie Bluffs Metro Park, 3100 Lane Road in Perry. Dinner will be at 6 p.m.; bring a plate, silverware, beverage and a dish to share.
Celebrating 25 years of First Families of Lake County, Bonnie Snyder will present a first families program and then introduce the group’s newest first families member, Bob Coltrin.
For more information, visit www.lcgsohio.org or call Cynthia at 440-951-0914 or Linda at 440-255-6984.
Rubber Stamp Sale
July 29, 9 a.m. to noon
Montville Crafters will hold their fifth annual sale of new and gently used rubber stamps and paper crafting supplies at Montville Community Center, 9755 Madison Road, Montville Township. The sale features 30 tables reserved showing rubber stamps, punches, card stock, embellishments and more.
For more information, call Linda at 440-298-3476.
Chardon Fireworks Rescheduled
July 29
Chardon fireworks will take place at Chardon High School. Enjoy music and food trucks from 7-10 p.m. followed by the fireworks display at 10 p.m.
Chardon VFW Dice Run
July 29
Chardon VFW Post 6519 hosts its 16th annual Dice Run at the post located at 752 Water St. Bikes go out at 11 a.m. and return at 4 p.m. Open to the public, bikes, cars and trikes are welcome.
For information, call 440-285-3699.
GCRTA Summer Potluck
Aug. 1, 11:15 a.m.
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will hold its summer potluck get-together at the Bond Activity Center at Century Village, 14653 E. Park St., Burton. Gathering time will be followed by a business meeting at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at noon.
Bring a dish to share, table service and beverage. Pat and Eileen Cataldo will provide pulled pork sandwiches.
RSVP to Jean Paine, 440-823-4019, or Cheryl Sekura, 440-223-8711 by July 27.
The program will feature reports from the recipients of GCRTA teacher grants regarding the projects they have developed.
Newly retired teachers and school personnel are welcome. There will be a special raffle for members who bring guests, in addition to the 50/50 raffle.
Bring paper products or canned goods for the Geauga Hunger Task Force and school supplies for Help Me Learn Day.
Homegrown Under The Dome
Aug. 3
Tickets are now on sale for Geauga Growth Partnership’s annual HomeGrown Geauga fundraising event at Sapphire Creek Winery & Gardens, 16965 Park Circle Drive, Bainbridge Township.
Join for an evening of food, wine and entertainment, live auction and games of chance while celebrating the Geauga business community and raising funds for GGP’s Youth Workforce programming.
For information or to purchase tickets, visit geaugagrowthpartnership.com.
Wings And Wheels Event
Aug. 5, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Classic Jet Center and Carver Financial Services are hosting a Wings and Wheels event at Lake County Executive Airport, 1969 Lost Nation Road in Willoughby.
Fly-in and drive-in; there is no registration fee for planes or cars. Registration and staging are from 9-11 a.m.
Trophies for Best in Show and People’s Choice will be awarded at 2 p.m. Food will be available.
Admission is free. For more information, call 440-942-7092 or 440-321-9036.
Back in Time Power Show
Aug. 5 and 6, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Step back in time to view all types of historic equipment at Century Village Museum, 14653 E. Park St. in Burton. Those interested in displaying equipment may contact the museum at 440-834-1492.
Twilight Soiree
Aug. 18, 5:30-9 p.m.
Tickets are on sale for The Foundation for Geauga Parks’ signature event, Twilight Soiree, at Meadow Ridge Events, 17305 Mayfield Road, Huntsburg Township.
The event features a full buffet dinner, beverages, live music, and live and silent auctions.
For more information, or to purchase tickets, call 440-564-1048 or visit www.foundationforgeaugaparks.org.
Steak Roast
Aug. 19, 4-8 p.m.
Harriet Tubman Movement, an advocacy group dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking, is hosting a steak roast, basket raffle and silent auction at Heritage Marketplace Event Center, 15864 Nauvoo Road in Middlefield. Advance sale tickets only; call 440-321-5007.
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