Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Appointed Executive Director of Criminal Justice Reform Nonprofit in Tennessee

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, 53, has been appointed as the executive director of the Memphis-based criminal justice reform nonprofit Taking Action for Good (TAG). TAG, led by CEO Alice Marie Johnson, focuses on advocating for criminal justice reforms. Kilpatrick’s role was announced in a press release from the nonprofit on Monday.

In this new capacity, Kilpatrick is tasked with educating the public on the significance of criminal justice reforms. He will “tell the stories of those who have been failed by the system and work to bring deserving people home,” as per the press release. This remote position, which Kilpatrick began on September 15, is based out of Atlanta.

This summer, Kilpatrick and Johnson were seen together at Johnson’s “Five Years Free” celebration in Los Angeles. Johnson, a former prisoner who was convicted in 1996 and later had her sentence commuted by former President Donald Trump in 2018 after advocacy from Kim Kardashian, launched TAG a few years ago.

In a statement, Johnson expressed her enthusiasm for Kilpatrick joining the team, noting their shared experiences of incarceration. “He and I have a shared experience of having been incarcerated, which makes us invaluable allies to the people who are still caught in the system because we understand what it will take to improve it,” Johnson said. She highlighted Kilpatrick’s commitment to faith and uplifting others as making him a perfect fit for TAG.

Like Johnson, Kilpatrick’s sentence was commuted by Trump in January 2021. He had served a quarter of his 28-year sentence for racketeering and bribery related to his tenure at Detroit City Hall. Johnson was instrumental in advocating for his release.

Since his release, Kilpatrick has been active in his online congregation, Movemental Ministries, where he serves as CEO and spreads messages of hope and healing. “I will forever be grateful to Alice for helping me get my second chance, and I am looking forward to helping other deserving people get their own second chances in my new role with Taking Action for Good,” Kilpatrick stated in the release. He reflected on his time in prison as a period that revealed the faults in the U.S. criminal justice system and helped him find his calling to serve God and help others.

Through TAG, Johnson and Kilpatrick will continue to advocate for clemency, pardons, and policy changes that emphasize redemption and rehabilitation over punishment. Johnson’s work has already led to second chances for many individuals, with her advocacy contributing to over 100 clemency and pardon applications, resulting in 46 individuals receiving a second chance.

Kilpatrick’s new role at TAG represents not only a personal transformation but also a commitment to effecting positive change in the criminal justice system.

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