Mac’s Toy Fund awards grants to local groups that help kids
Continuing a 93-year tradition, Mac’s Toy Fund has gifted children in Raleigh County a merrier Christmas.
With the onset of the pandemic, the fund switched from an annual in-person distribution to a grant program for charities that serve children.
This year, Mac’s has awarded $38,500 in grants to 22 local charities for Christmas toys, clothes, and items to help families in need.
As part of the tradition that began in 1930, Thanksgiving weekend serves as the kickoff of Mac’s fundraising campaign. For 93 years, people from Beckley, southern West Virginia and around the region have donated to the fund, which helps provide a happier holiday season for hundreds of children.
Despite changes over the last couple of years, Mac’s is still dependent on the generosity of donors who make the fund part of their own holiday traditions.
“Kids don’t differentiate about whether there is upheaval in the world,” said Dawn A. Dayton, Toy Fund president and former managing editor of The Register-Herald. “They just know it’s Christmas and they hope that Santa won’t pass them over.
“Mac’s helps to keep that hope alive,” Dayton said.
As always, donations are tax-deductible.
Monetary contributions can be sent throughout the year, particularly leading up to the Christmas season, by mailing them to 1210 S. Kanawha St., Beckley, WV 25801.
To donate to the annual toy distribution, please make the check out to “Mac’s Toy Fund.” If you would like to donate to the Mac’s Toy Fund Endowment, please make the check out to “Beckley Area Foundation” with Mac’s Toy Fund in the memo.
West Virginia leads nation in deer strike accidents
charleston, w.va. – Hunting isn’t all we think about when it comes to deer. According to insurance statistics, the Mountain State leads the nation in deer strike accidents on the state’s roads.
“We live in a mountainous, rural area where wildlife is prevalent,” said Joe Pack, P.E. West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) chief engineer of operations. “The more rural the area, the more likely accidents are to happen.”
Between Jan. 1, 2023, and Monday, Nov. 20, 2023, 10,618 deer were hit on West Virginia highways, as well as 15 bears. Coyotes and other wild animals are also occasionally struck by cars on Mountain State roads.
Cleaning up after those accidents falls to the men and women who work in the WVDOH field offices spread throughout the state.
“We treat it just like any other road obstruction,” Pack said. A deer in the middle of an interstate poses more of a threat to the public than a deer on the side of a rural road, so the WVDOH takes care of the most dangerous sites first.
But WVDOH work crews might not be aware of every single animal strike. If you see a dead deer or other animal in or near a state roadway, you can report it through the Safety With Action Today (SWAT) hotline. Call 1-833-WVROADS, email WVROADS@wv.gov, or visit https://dotforms.wv.gov/cra to file a report of an animal strike online.
Citizens may also contact their local WVDOH field office.
TOOT hits $42,332 in sales for Carnegie fundraiser
lewisburg, w.va. – Carnegie Hall’s 37th Annual Taste Of Our Towns (TOOT), through its vendors, grossed over $42,332 in sales this year with Carnegie Hall receiving more than $12,319 as its 30 percent of sales with vendors taking home nearly $25,979.
“We had 43 local vendors, not to mention our incredible Church Street artists, set up at TOOT 2023 for the largest number of vendors we’ve had since 2014,” said Develop Manager Kit Lindsay in a press release. “Despite some questionable weather, we had a wonderful, community-forward event full of great food and happy festivalgoers!”
“The return and expansion of the Art Block for the second year at TOOT provided another great opportunity to showcase the variety of talented teaching artists that participate in the educational programming at Carnegie Hall,” said Carnegie Hall Educational Director Harmony Flora.
The 2023 TOOT Committee included Jill McIntyre (co-chair), Jennifer Orr (co-chair), Mary Cole Deitz, Kit Lindsey, Sally Bray, Philip McLaughlin, Siobhan Winters, Teri Hartford, Harmony Flora, Cathy Rennard, Kim Beard, and LeeAnn Gillian.
TOOT is a major fundraiser for Carnegie Hall.
Justice awards over $1.2 million in assistance grants
charleston, w.va. – Gov. Jim Justice announced Tuesday that he has awarded $1.3 million in Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program funds to 43 projects statewide.
The funds will be used to assist state agencies, local units of government, and private non-profit agencies in carrying out specific programs to the benefit of the criminal justice system.
Special emphasis was placed on multi-jurisdictional projects and statewide projects that seek to create and retain jobs in the criminal justice system.
These funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and Bureau of Justice Assistance. They are administered by the Justice and Community Services (JCS) Section of the West Virginia Division of Administrative Services (DAS).
Three of the projects are in The Register-Herald primary market:
The City of Beckley and the Monroe County Commission are each getting $19,750 to employ one or more Prevention Resource Officers (PROs) to act as mentors, role models and advocates for students in state schools. The Wyoming County Commission is getting $29,750 for the same purpose.
Greenbrier commissioners to consider FEMA mitigation grant
The Greenbrier County Commission will meet in regular session on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 11 a.m. to consider a resolution designating Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation (GVEDC) as lead economic development organization for the county.
Commissioners will also consider signing the formal agreement for the FEMA hazard mitigation grant program titled “Fort Springs, WV Elevation.”
Other new business includes affirming the resignation of Robert Ford effective Nov. 30 from the Greenbrier County Planning and Permit Office, approval of a new hire employment application to fill a vacancy in the Greenbrier County Prosecutor’s Office and filling vacancies at the Greenbrier 911 Center.
The meeting is scheduled for Room 203 of the new addition to the courthouse, and it can be livestreamed at www.facebook.com/gbrcourthouse/.
Show planned in Beckley for Small Business Saturday
The Small Business and Craft Show will be 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 25, in the Beckley-Raleigh County Convention Center, 200 Armory Drive, Beckley.
The offerings will include unique crafts, local art, jewelry, and home decor – one-of-a-kind gifts and keepsakes not found in any store.
For more information visit facebook.com/events/1413267526289370/
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