Criminal Justice Reform: Insights from FWD.US Executive Director

Recently on Let’s Talk About It, Executive Director of Zoe Towns joined the program to talk about the critical importance of criminal justice reform for Black voters and marginalized communities.

Since launching the criminal justice reform portfolio at FWD.US in 2017, Ms. Towns has been instrumental in shaping advocacy, policy, and research efforts across the country.

During the interview, Ms. Towns emphasized the deep impact of the U.S. criminal justice system on Black communities. She highlighted that nearly half of all Americans have a family member who has experienced incarceration, with the figure rising to two-thirds among Black voters. This personal connection to the criminal justice system underscores the urgent need for reform, she said.

Ms. Towns discussed the current political landscape, noting that criminal justice reform has become a bipartisan issue. Both former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have made efforts in this area. Trump’s administration supported the First Step Act, while Harris, as vice president, expanded reform measures, including initiatives for commutations and shorter federal sentences.

Ms. Towns urged voters to press candidates for more specific commitments on criminal justice reform. Despite progress, including a significant reduction in prison populations and a decrease in incarceration rates among Black Americans, she stressed that much work remains. The goal, she said, is to achieve further reductions in incarceration while ensuring public safety.

For more information on FWD.US and to support their efforts, visit

To listen to the full interview, click the link above.

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