The office of special counsel Jack Smith has just filed its brief...
In the thick of Prohibition, Justice Benjamin Cardozo famously lamented that, under...
FIRST ON FOX: An independent group of law enforcement officials and analysts claim violent crime rates are much higher than figures reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its...
WASHINGTON (TND) — Federal statistics may not be painting an accurate picture...
WASHINGTON (TND) — Federal statistics may not be painting an accurate picture...
WASHINGTON (TND) — Federal statistics may not be painting an accurate picture of the state of public safety in the U.S., according to a report released Monday. The Coalition for...
WASHINGTON (TND) — Federal statistics may not be painting an accurate picture...
How AI risks creating a ‘black box’ at the heart of US...
Cities all across the United States have been increasingly passing laws that punish people who are forced to sleep outside each night due a lack of available shelter and extreme...
How can we reimagine the justice system to support restoration instead of...
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Ahead of 2020’s presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden campaigned “to strengthen and reform” the criminal justice system. Among, perhaps, the most publicized steps he’s taken so far was his proclamation...