JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) – The guilty pleas of six former officers in...
An appeals court called a federal judge’s comment “wholly incompatible with the...
Last month, an audit was published that found more than 25,000 traffic tickets written by troopers may have been falsified or had skewed racial data. CONNECTICUT, USA — The U.S....
The former police officer, Ricky Anderson, was indicted on charges of murder...
Know Your Time Commitment As you plan ahead for your online philosophy degree, consider how much time you can commit to classwork each week and how long you want to...
When then-accused Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was brought to trial 26...
AMERICAN FORK — A former criminal justice professor in Utah and longtime police officer was arrested Thursday and accused of possessing child pornography, including images police say he recorded himself....
Estimated read time: 2-3 minutes AMERICAN FORK — A former criminal justice...
CNN — A Black man in Michigan had his drug conviction vacated...
PARKLAND — Lawmakers and court officials gathered Friday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to reenact the worst school shooting in U.S. history and to tour the building where it...