In the second and third videos of The New York Times’ three-part series, “The Fallibility of Justice,” Brett Malone, whose mother’s killer remains on Louisiana death row, and Texas death-sentenced...
TLDR The US Department of Justice (DOJ) recommends harsher sentences for AI-enhanced...
Bombshell documents expose the FBI’s deliberate shredding of crucial evidence in Tony...
Now that Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, voters will turn their attention to his record on a variety of issues,...
{KXLG – Manderson, SD} A Manderson, SD, man has been sentenced to...
Given that we have all been born and raised under a national-security...
Where We Stand NAMI believes in minimizing justice system response to people with mental illness, while ensuring that any interactions preserve health, well-being and dignity. NAMI opposes laws and public...
Every U.S. state individually incarcerates more people per capita than most nations,...
The head of a group of family members of victims of the...
CNN — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin abruptly revoked a plea deal for the alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks and his co-conspirators, and he relieved the overseer...