A sysadmin and his partner pleaded guilty this week to being part...
BJS Releases Preliminary Statistics on Incarcerated Populations in 2022 | Office of Justice Programs
BJS Releases Preliminary Statistics on Incarcerated Populations in 2022 WASHINGTON ― Local...
The state court system is partnering with a Lancaster county organization and other nonprofits to encourage Pennsylvania Dutch speakers to become court interpreters. The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts’ Interpreter...
Enlarge this image Attorney General Merrick Garland appears before a House Judiciary...
Two years ago, the United States evacuated some 76,000 Afghans during “Operation Allies...
A woman accused of attacking four Chicago police officers has been released from custody after a new state law went into effect abolishing cash bail. Esmeralda Aguilar, 24, a resident...
From today’s decision in Fairstein v. Netflix, Inc., by Judge Kevin Castel...
Trump’s campaign reportedly “believes he can make inroads with Black voters by...
Illinois Begins Elimination of Cash Bail After Years of Debate Internet Explorer 11 is not supported For optimal browsing, we recommend Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers. The long-sought reform took...
Photo: Bill Oxford/Getty Images Three years ago, 19-year-old M.R. was arrested after...
STOCKHOLM, Sept 20 (Reuters) – Sweden’s government promised 39 billion crowns ($3.5...
DETROIT (AP) — Michigan’s attorney general suggested conservative politics played a role in the acquittal of three men in the final trial related to a plan to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer....