Amhara prisoners at Kaliti and Kilinto prisons released an announcement regarding the hunger strike they declared… Start day for it unspecified. Translation of the announcement reads as follows :
The sacrifices made by the Amhara people to establish the nation on firm foundation have been inscribed boldly in history. However, contrary to this fact, constitutional and structural attacks have long been perpetrated against the people. Instead of solving the problems the Amhara people have been facing and giving positive response to the political, social and economic demands, the oppressive governmental group of the prosperity party has been committing genocide and ethnic cleansing, forced displacement and destruction and looting of properties of the Amhara people for the past five consecutive years.
We have thus started struggling in and out of the country to get responses to our demands and ensure the existence of our people. We, prisoners of conscience, have been determined to conduct a three-day hunger strike so that the people of our country and the international community will be aware of the injustice being done to our people.
In particular we, prisoners of conscience, call for the ending of the following government atrocities…
1. The mass killing effectuated in Amhara Region against the innocent Amharas with weapons of mass destruction by the prosperity party guard or army and security structure of the fascistic group should be stopped immediately.
2. As the government’s name calling campaign (of looters and bandits) against Fano, which is the guarantor of the people, is a devastating defamation of the nation, it should be stopped urgently.
3. In Addis Ababa and in some areas outside the Region, Amharas have been detained in their 10, 000 for the mere reason of their identity. They are being rounded up and imprisoned currently in police stations, correction centres, schools, and shades built for other purposes. The whereabouts of an unidentified number of people have not yet been known. Many are suffering and languishing in inaccessible areas. Therefore, the mass arrest should be stopped immediately and our incarcerated people should be released.
4. The Amhara prisoners who are being arrested by the repressive government group are being subjected to severe human rights violations, murder, threats and intimidation. Besides, they are being held in conditions that humiliate their human dignity and endanger their lives. This should be rectified immediately and they should get speedy justice.
Requesting the international and national human and democratic rights advocates to visit these prisoners of conscience and expose and condemn the government’s insanity, we would like to point out that the government has made the judicial institutions, particularly, the police, the prosecutor, investigation department, and the court to be occupied by a single ethnic group.
History is a witness that it is impossible to subjugate the Amhara people by force. Therefore, we urge those who lined up with the army of the prosperity party to refrain from their actions.
Children of the Amhara people in and outside of the country… Those who are fighting at the front, we call on you all to intensify the struggle until the prosperity-led structural attacks are reversed and political, economic and social demands are responded to in an uncompromising manner.
Finally, international, continental and national organisations, defenders of human and democratic rights, diplomats, as well as Ethiopian nationalists and political forces who claim to care about the affairs of Ethiopia, we are asking you to do your part to immediately stop the attacks inflicted brutally against the Amhara people by the oppressive group of prosperity party and its government. We would like to express that the Amhara people meet their demands through the struggle they have embarked on and with sacrifice of their precious children.
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