Letter | No mercy in current prison mess

Dear Editor: Allow me to first say that I am in no way averse to acknowledging Gov. Tony Evers’ courage in addressing the need to reestablish a process for those who were and are deserving of pardons.

For example, John Givens, who for decades after serving a period of incarceration went on to mentor juveniles and adults with the SPRITE Program and JustDanes Circles of Support, was truly deserving of a pardon. However, at this time neither I nor the organizational affiliates I represent could in good conscience support a statement acknowledging the governor’s “mercy” in light of the current state of Wisconsin’s prisons, and the maltreatment of the “persons in their care.”

We, MOSES, WISDOM and our affiliates statewide supported the governor during his election campaign and have struggled since to understand why the promises made to decrease the prison population, in a way that would not jeopardize community safety, have not been kept. Where we empathize with the governor is in our knowing and understanding that he has to contend with what legislators and governors, Democrat and Republican, have done to create the conditions where political expediency trumps the will of the citizens of this state.

I would hope that we, MOSES, WISDOM, the families being impacted and the public at large can trust our public officials to do what is in the best interest of all of us.

James Morgan

Lead organizer for MOSES


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