Mills, Williamson seek Magisterial District Judge post

RENOVO — Judge Frank P. Mills is looking to retain his seat at Magisterial District Judge for Court 25-3-03, which encompasses Western Clinton County.

Mills has served in this position for 20 years.

The Express recently asked Mills four questions regarding the role of Magisterial District Judge:

Q: What experience do you have with law enforcement and the criminal justice system?

Eric Williamson

A: I bring 20 years of Magisterial District Judge experience to the table. Within those 20 years, I have learned so much about the criminal justice system from continued education classes to presiding over a wide range of cases. I have had cases involving murders, felonies, assaults, robberies, kidnappings, landlord issues, traffic violations and the list goes on and on. I am proud to say that I have presided over cases that have been upheld and supported by the supreme court. I am also involved with issuing search warrants and protection orders within the court of common pleas.

Q: What do you feel is the most important part of the role of magisterial district judge?

A: Without question, I feel the number one role of a Magisterial District Judge is to make non-biased decisions based on the evidence in court, regardless of personal associations, or previous judgments. I believe each and every case needs to be looked at independently and judged accordingly.

Q: Do you feel there are any adjustments or changes that could be made to improve the district judge role? Or would you continue to operate the position as it currently is?

A: There is nothing certain in this world except for change, with that said, I believe all judges must adapt daily to the ever-changing needs of society. One constant would be that I would continue to be fair and respectful to every individual who enters my office.

Q: Why have you chosen to run for this position?

A: Because I want to continue serving the community that I love, and been a part of my entire life. This position allows me the opportunity to utilize my current skills while providing the people of western Clinton County a dedicated, fair, and honest Magisterial District Judge.

Eric Williamson

RENOVO — Retired Lt. Col. Eric Williamson is running as an Independent candidate for Magisterial District Judge Court 25-3-03 that encompasses Western Clinton County.

Williamson, a native of Clinton County, recently retired from the US Marine Corps after 31 ½ years of service.

The Express recently asked Williamson four questions about the district judge role:

Q: What experience do you have with law enforcement and the criminal justice system?

I have dealt extensively with the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) as a Marine Corps Officer as a commander and other leadership positions. The UCMJ is the U.S. military’s version of all civil and criminal code. Throughout my 31 plus year career, I have presided over numerous Court Martials, Article 31 hearings, Separations boards and Performance Evaluation Boards. All the cases were fair and justly administered. Furthermore, while in combat, I have dealt directly with the NATO Rules of Engagement, Geneva Convention and International Laws of Armed Conflict in hundreds of situations. Some decisions were “snap” decisions resulting in life-saving actions, while other decisions were well planned and laboriously detailed in order to accomplish the mission while preserving the moral integrity and legal rights of the folks involved. I sleep well at night because I know I chose the right decision in every case.

Q: What do you feel is the most important part of the role of magisterial district judge?

The most important role is non-biased and non-partisan decision making. Although I am originally from Clinton County, Pa., I have spent the last 31 plus years deployed and stationed throughout various locations in the US and overseas. Therefore, I am not tethered to long-term relationships that would prevent me from making non-biased decisions. I am running as an Independent candidate to forgo any political party bias. Bottom line: I don’t play “favorites,” and when elected, I will ensure fair and just decisions are instilled across-the-board based on all applicable laws and regulations. I will not violate my own integrity to preserve unjust results. I live in and am a member of this wonderful community, and I want to make it better.

Q: Do you feel there are any adjustments or changes that could be made to improve the district judge role? Or would you continue to operate the position as it currently is?

I have personally spoken to the vast majority of citizens in Western Clinton County. It is clear from those discussions that the current operational techniques of the district judge’s role require an overhaul. The district judge role is officially designed to be administered as “Part-Time” based on “as-required” or “on-call” duties. I think the position requires much more time spent in the office, and continuing education is key. Training, reading, observing and studying can fill in many hours’ worth of office time — and all of which are continuous regardless of previous experience. The state mandates minimal annual training, but the world and local areas are constantly changing; therefore, it is incredibly important to continuously educate oneself far above the minimal requirements — or be left behind. The district judge role should be one of continuing education with dedication to regular office hours.

Q: Why have you chosen to run for this position?

This position was originally recommended to me based on my experiences, education, dedication, and motivation to make the world and local communities better places in which to live. I want to make a difference, and the only way to make a difference is to make different choices based on in-depth analysis of all unique variables and potential outcomes. I already had a lengthy military career, but after meeting with many citizens of Western Clinton County I have determined to continue working because the Western Clinton County and Greater Renovo Area communities deserve a dedicated, focused, fair and unbiased individual committed to the safety and betterment of the local area. I will meet all those qualifications and expectations. I will administer fair and just results. I will not disappoint you!

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